NJ Doppler RADAR Wind Velocity Page

From this page, you can view the doppler radar wind data images of NJ and vicinity.

Use the navigational links to the left to go to the National composite or other detailed radar images. Please note date and times on radar images since some may not be updated timely!

Note that images on this page are NOT standard precipitation images. They are showing velocity and direction of movement of particles and precipitation toward and away from the radar. This information is useful for determining wind speeds and possible rotation within storms or systems.

National Weather Service Mt. Holly RADAR Velocity image loop. (KDIX)

(Base Velocity)

KDIX Radar Velocity Loop

National Weather Service N.Y. RADAR Velocity Image Loop from Long Island (KOKX)

KOKX - Long Island NWS Radar Velocity loop

Alternate Mean Radial Velocity Map Loop from Weather Underground - Centered at Mt. Holly RADAR

(with lightning data, if storms in progress)

Alternate Velocity map from Weather Underground

BillWX 2012